Region : Perthshire Location : Glen Lyon Details : In very early times the land on both sides of Glen Lyon as far south as Loch Awe, belonged to Clan Gregor There was a Keep on the site of the present day Meggernie Castle that would have commanded the whole district. Robert II, who ruled from 1370 to 1390, confiscated the Keep and conferred it upon his illegitimate son, Sir John Stewart of Cardney. With the Campbells on the south of the glen and the Stewarts on the north, the Gregors were between two fires and lost all their possessions in the district. Though the exact date of the erection of the oldest existing part of Meggernie Castle has not been established, there is a Charter in the "Register of the Great Seal," dated 4th March 1603, whereby James VI. confers upon Duncan Campbell of Glen Lyon, certain lands which were united to make up the Barony of Glen Lyon, the chief house of the baron being named as "the Tower called Meggernie." Paranormal Phenomena : Local legend asserts that A lord from the Menzies Clan murdered his wife, and trying to conceal the deed, he cut her body in half and hid the two halves in different parts of the castle. Today the upper half haunts the top floor, while her lower half resides on the ground floor. Sometimes she approaches and touches witnesses; her touch burns but does not blister. The mysterious britain site adds that the focus of the haunting takes place in one of the rooms, which has been dubbed the haunted room. Male guests have been surprised to receive a ghostly kiss in the small hours of the morning. However, the truth of the tale differs from the above =- chinese whispers effect has set in.....a perhaps more factual rendition is obtained from the fife.50megs site : QUOTEThe ghost has been seen by several visitors to the castle. On one occasion a visitor was awoken by a hot kiss on his cheek, so hot that it felt as if his face was being burnt. He saw the upper half of a woman drifting away from his bed to disappear through a blocked-up doorway. The following morning he learnt from a fellow guest that he too had had an identical experience during the same night. One night, one of the same two guests was in his room writing a letter when the door was suddenly flung open and the temperature of the room plummeted to freezing. Looking up he could find no cause for the disturbance and was overwhelmed by a feeling of complete terror. He hurriedly left the room and walked down the corridor. As he was passing a window he was horrified to see the face of a beautiful woman looking at him through the window from the outside. It was the same face that he had seen a week before when his ghostly visitor had awoken him in his room with such a flaming kiss. The figure has been seen many times in the castle's rooms and also drifting along the corridors. She has also been seen more rarely in the local graveyard sitting on one of the gravestones
Region : Perthshire Location : Glen Lyon Details : In very early times the land on both sides of Glen Lyon as far south as Loch Awe, belonged to Clan Gregor There was a Keep on the site of the present day Meggernie Castle that would have commanded the whole district. Robert II, who ruled from 1370 to 1390, confiscated the Keep and conferred it upon his illegitimate son, Sir John Stewart of Cardney. With the Campbells on the south of the glen and the Stewarts on the north, the Gregors were between two fires and lost all their possessions in the district. Though the exact date of the erection of the oldest existing part of Meggernie Castle has not been established, there is a Charter in the "Register of the Great Seal," dated 4th March 1603, whereby James VI. confers upon Duncan Campbell of Glen Lyon, certain lands which were united to make up the Barony of Glen Lyon, the chief house of the baron being named as "the Tower called Meggernie." Paranormal Phenomena : Local legend asserts that A lord from the Menzies Clan murdered his wife, and trying to conceal the deed, he cut her body in half and hid the two halves in different parts of the castle. Today the upper half haunts the top floor, while her lower half resides on the ground floor. Sometimes she approaches and touches witnesses; her touch burns but does not blister. The mysterious britain site adds that the focus of the haunting takes place in one of the rooms, which has been dubbed the haunted room. Male guests have been surprised to receive a ghostly kiss in the small hours of the morning. However, the truth of the tale differs from the above =- chinese whispers effect has set in.....a perhaps more factual rendition is obtained from the fife.50megs site : QUOTEThe ghost has been seen by several visitors to the castle. On one occasion a visitor was awoken by a hot kiss on his cheek, so hot that it felt as if his face was being burnt. He saw the upper half of a woman drifting away from his bed to disappear through a blocked-up doorway. The following morning he learnt from a fellow guest that he too had had an identical experience during the same night. One night, one of the same two guests was in his room writing a letter when the door was suddenly flung open and the temperature of the room plummeted to freezing. Looking up he could find no cause for the disturbance and was overwhelmed by a feeling of complete terror. He hurriedly left the room and walked down the corridor. As he was passing a window he was horrified to see the face of a beautiful woman looking at him through the window from the outside. It was the same face that he had seen a week before when his ghostly visitor had awoken him in his room with such a flaming kiss. The figure has been seen many times in the castle's rooms and also drifting along the corridors. She has also been seen more rarely in the local graveyard sitting on one of the gravestones