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Huntingtower Castle


Region :Perthshire Location : Perth Details : Huntingtower castle has been the focus of a history of royal intrigue, which led to the original name of the castle - Ruthven, being changed form its earlier association with the Ruthven family The Ruthven family - who were to become the earls of Gowrie - originally built the castle as an imposing square keep in the 1400's. Later, in the 16th century, a tower house was built and the two structures joined by a central building. Mary Queen of Scots stayed here with her husband Darnley. The castle was also involved in later royal intrigue, when The Earl of Gowrie kidnapped James the VI in 1582 and held him in the tower. He later managed to escape, and this led to the Ruthven family's fall from grace, culminating in the castles confiscation, and changing of the castle's name from Ruthven Castle to Huntingtower Castle around 1600 Paranormal Phenomena : A ghostly lady seen haunting the upper floors. Many visitors have witnessed this while visiting. Apparently she died whilst trying to jump from one tower to the other to see her boyfriend. No one really has any idea who this phantom could be. It is said that her appearance warns against approaching bad luck, and can bring about improved health and fortune. Some reports say she is green others white. Haunted Scotland Investigates -

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