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Eilean Donan Castle


Region : Invernessshire Location : Dornie Details : Apart from some fragments of early defences beside the castle walls, the precise line of an earlier fort is buried. The present castle was constructed in 1220 by Alexander II, it subsequently became a stronghold of the Mackenzies of Kintail (later the Earls of Seaforth) who installed the MacRaes as hereditary keepers. In 1719, it was destroyed whilst acting as a garrison for Spanish troops fighting for the Jacobite cause on behalf of the 5th Earl of Seaforth. Restoration work started two hundred years later and was not completed until 1932. Paranormal Phenomena : said to be the haunt of a Spanish solider, killed either in the castle or at a nearby battle.  One of the bedrooms is alleged to be haunted by a ghost known only as Lady Mary. Please see the locations webcam at:

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